Programs & Services

What we have to offer at Oak Leyden

Children's Services

Children's Services

We offer an extensive range of services and programs for children who demonstrate a delay in one or more areas of development. We also offer music classes and drop-in programs for all children in the community.

School Age Speech Services

School Age Speech Services

Children ages 3-12 may benefit from speech-language services if they have difficulty with their speech sounds, language, stuttering, or social skills.

Early Intervention

Early Intervention

Oak Leyden’s Early Intervention services connect children with developmental disabilities, and their families, to a network of caring therapists.

Evaluations & Screenings

Evaluations & Screenings

Our licensed, certified therapists evaluate children, ages 0 to 3, in a comfortable manner, make a diagnosis, and recommend a unique development plan.

Therapy Services

Therapy Services

The children enrolled in our therapy services receive a multifaceted plan, focused on overcoming their individual challenges and meeting their unique needs.

Adult Services

Adult Services

Our Adult Services Programs empower participants to build confidence, develop new skills, and integrate with the broader community. Click to learn more about our Lifelong Learning Centers, Community Integrated Living Arrangements, and Supported Employment Program.

Community Living Services (CILAs)

Community Living Services (CILAs)

The Community Living Services Program operates 12 residential community homes for residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The homes, known as Community Integrated Living Arrangements (or CILAs), allow adult participants to enjoy comfort, safety, and community in Chicago’s near-west suburbs.

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

Oak Leyden’s Lifelong Learning Program provides adults with developmental disabilities a curriculum of vital skills tailored to their needs and ability levels.