Community Living Services (CILAs)

Adult Services

Community Living Services (CILAs)

The Community Living Services Program operates 12 residential community homes for residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The homes, known as Community Integrated Living Arrangements (or CILAs), allow adult participants to enjoy comfort, safety, and community in Chicago’s near-west suburbs.

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At home with Oak Leyden

The Community Living Services Program operates 12 residential community homes for residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The homes, known as Community Integrated Living Arrangements (or CILAs), allow adult participants to enjoy comfort, safety, and community in Chicago’s near-west suburbs.

Residents are provided 24-hour support and care that promotes personal independence and physical well-being. Each of these accessible, family-like spaces house an average of four residents. Participants are able to grow and live as independently as possible, participating in communities as their neighbors do.

In addition, Oak Leyden offers intermittent support to adults with developmental disabilities who live on their own in the community. Oak Leyden staff help Intermittent CILA participants maintain their personal independence by providing the support they need.  

To see what a normal 'day in the life' is like for one of our CILA residents, enjoy this video, which introduces you to David, a resident Dora House.

Committed to Excellence

Our 12 group homes create safe and supportive environments for each of our residents. With low residence turnovers and a caring 24-hour support, our clients develop friendships, respect, and independence. Our residents regularly learn new skills through cooking, housekeeping, personal upkeep, and connecting with their neighborhoods. Here are some facts to consider:

  • Our Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Accreditation Survey received an excellent rating, with zero recommendations for improvements to our residential services.
  • Persons served indicated satisfaction at a 4.5 level of out of 5, exceeding expectations.
  • 90% of individuals met or exceeded goals in daily living and 70% of individuals met or exceeded goals in learning to self-manage medications.
  • In each of our group homes, residents are provided with their own private bedrooms, which they can personalize to make their own.
  • The adult programs contract with ABA of IL for licensed Behavior Analysts to develop Individual Behavior Support Plans for our group home and Lifelong Learning participants, train staff on the programs, and track and report progress.

Participant Handbook for Residential Services

Interested in living in one of our homes?

Interested parties will need a referral from the state. Click here to find your local Illinois Department of Human Services office. 

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